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Field Trip Booking Form

To schedule a Field Trip, please fill out the information below. A Reservation Coordinator will contact you within 7-10 business days to complete your booking request. Please include all questions in the comment section below. The reservations office hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm excluding holidays. *Note: All Field Trip Programs (Early Investigation, Expedition Center, etc.) require a 3-week notice. Inquires made within a 3-week time period may not be fulfilled. All Field Trips require a minimum of 10 students. Filling out this form does not indicate your Field Trip is scheduled, you will receive an email with your invoice attached once your Field Trip is confirmed. *pricing subject to change*

Are you a Member at HMNS?
Educator Members receive special discounts and exclusive opportunities. If you would like to be added to our complimentary Educator Membership waitlist, fill out the form here
Which Location would you like to visit?
Grade Levels
Select grade level(s) that you plan to bring on your field trip.
  • Pre-School
  • Pre-K 3
  • Pre-K 4
  • Kindergarten
  • 1st
  • 2nd
  • 3rd
  • 4th
  • 5th
  • 6th
  • 7th
  • 8th
  • 9th
  • 10th
  • 11th
  • 12th
Please indicate your preferred date(s) for your program(s). A Reservation Coordinator will contact you to finalize your booking dates.
Please indicate your preferred date(s) for your program(s). A Reservation Coordinator will contact you to finalize your booking dates. **If you are booking multiple field trips, please fill out a separate form per field trip**
Estimated Arrival
Estimated Departure
*** Must have 1 Chaperone per every 10 Students. Chaperones must be at least 21 years of age and remain with students at all times. ** All adults (teachers, parents, bus drivers, etc.) accompanying the field trip must be included in the chaperone count. All adults are required to pay for their ticket(s). Adults included in the chaperone count will be charged the field trip rate. Other adults not included in the chaperone count will be charged the regular adult rate.
Accessibility Needs
Does your group have any special needs or accessibility-related requests? Please visit our Accessibility webpage ( for resources that your students with learning differences or disabilities can use onsite. If there are resources or accommodations not listed on this webpage that would be helpful for your students, please email a request to
  • ADHD/ADD/Learning Differences
  • Autism
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Non-Native English Speakers
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing
  • Blind/Low Vision
  • Anxiety/Mental Health Concerns
  • Other (a program coordinator will reach out to discuss your students' needs)
Do you have any contracts or forms that must be turned in ahead of your field trip?
Additional Questions or Comments:
  • {name}

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